Community When doctors delivered his baby, they saw the birth cord and told the father “hurry up dad, take a picture your baby is a miracle”! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Mom takes picture of daughter, but ‘when she took a closer look she called for help immediately’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Mother delivered her baby, but weeks later ‘doctors found something else hidden inside’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Couple overjoyed when twin girls are born, then doctor walked in the hospital room and said “I’m sorry”! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community 77-year-old woman married herself, but wait until you hear the reason why’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Mom rushed to hospital to give birth to triplets; ‘weeks later, doctors made unbelievable discovery’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Experts studying ancient DNA discovered girl ‘whose parents were two different species’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Mother died 27 hours after giving birth, ‘then husband’s first instinct is to check her computer’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Pair didn’t understand why photo of them went viral, ‘until they read the comments and realized the truth’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago
Community Boy left a blue stain on the carpet before dying, nearly 15 years later ‘his mom made a heartbreaking discovery’! Ally Dillinger, 2 years ago