Coronavirus Half of all North Dakota adults have been vaccinated for COVID-19 and the protections offered by the shot are working Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Local News City officials are cautioning local residents to be on the lookout for notes on their doors stating house numbers will be painted on curbs in exchange for a $20 fee Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Crime News Local resident faces numerous charges after police found drugs along with a stolen rifle and ammunition in his apartment Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
State News North Dakota Department of Commerce is launching a new $3 million grant program to advance research and help develop additional vaccines for future diseases Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus There have been 611,511 total vaccine doses administered in North Dakota Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Local News The largest health care providers in the state have proposed that lawmakers drop part of the requirement for people seeking medical marijuana identification cards to obtain a physician’s recommendation to use the drug Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Crime News Authorities are investigating multiple reports of gunfire in Williston Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus North Dakota children 12 and up became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine more than two months ago, but the majority of parents haven’t signed off on their kids getting the vaccine Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago