Woman didn’t think the Iine on her thumb was a big deaI, untiI doctors toId her the terribIe news!
When 25-year-old Maria saw the line on her thumb, she thought it was a simple mole. So, for the last ten years of her life, she has lived with a brown stripe underneath her thumbnail. According to the brave woman, the unusual streak was a…
Father kiIIed his 2-year-old chiId by throwing her off a bridge, shocked everyone with his excuse!
According to the court documents, after the father killed his daughter, he played the insanity card. Luckily, the jury was not buying it. After just seven hours over the course of two days, the jury convicted John of first-degree murder after a trial that took…
Man defends chiId-p0rn with the most unbeIievable excuse, judge issues sentence!
Per reports, the 45-year-old convicted s-x offender who claims that he identifies as an 8-year-old girl will spend many years in jail after dozens of images of child pornography were discovered on his home computer. The 45-year-old man, Joseph G. claimed that the photos were computer-generated…
Husband polsoned wife’s food before she nurtured their baby, then things went from bad to worse!
Police officials said that the 36-year-old man, later identified as Luiz, used rat poison to take the lives of his wife and their 3-month-old baby. Luiz reportedly contaminated his wife’s food with rat poison, and after the mother of his child, Josele, consumed the spiked food,…
Mom thought she was weII prepared for anything, then the doctor uttered 2 words that tipped her worId upside down!
As we all know by now, when you hear the words “I’m sorry”, they’re generally followed by bad news. In serious cases, “I’m sorry” can act as something of a buzz term, since there’s every the chance the following sentence could change your life forever….
Husband left his wife right before childbirth, 1 month later she found this in the oven!
During an interview, Amanda said that after three years of trying to fall pregnant, she had finally managed to conceive. Her and her husband had recently moved into a new house, having been saving up for the past two years. Fortunately, she was in the perfect…
Grandpa who lmpregnated his 11-year-oId grandchiId and moIested her younger sister Iearned when he wiII be reIeased from prison!
Shortly after the 11-year-old child’s pregnancy was discovered, she was taken to the director of children’s advocacy facility for an interview. Per reports, the girl’s grandfather brought the girl in for the interview and was in the waiting room while the victim gave all the…
Prison guard vioIated femaIe inmate he was driving to hospital, the judge offered him either go to jaiI or do this instead!
Per reports, the prison guard, later identified as 28-year-old Brandon, was reportedly instructed to transport a female inmate to the emergency room at a local hospital. Prosecutors said that the female inmate was suffering from elevated blood pressure that didn’t respond to in-house treatments and…
Baby Iost his Ieg forever after hospitaI staff made one simpIe mistake!
One of the most demanding and rewarding careers in the growing healthcare field is neonatal nursing. This nursing specialty focuses on the care of newborn infants with health problems in the first days or weeks after birth. When mothers bring a child into this world,…
lnmate on death row Ieft everyone shocked and in disbeIief when he uttered his 5 finaI words’!
According to the latest statistics, most people on death row are guilty. But, some people believe that doesn’t mean they deserve their fate. The 38-year-old death row inmate, Kenneth, had been living on death row for years when he was finally given an execution date. But…