Man fighting terminal disease got married in hospital; months later, ‘the doctors delivered unexpected news’!
The then-26-year-old Zach was reportedly engaged to marry his high school sweetheart, Madison. But, one day, everything turned upside down for this young couple when doctors said he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in his liver and lungs. The young man was devastated…
Parents had no hope for their daughter’s survival, ‘then the doctor delivered staggering news’!
According to the unfortunate parents, Katrine and Rob, as their little daughter, Riley, laid unconscious and was kept alive only by machines, they both felt helpless. The doctors told the parents that the life-threatening condition sepsis – when the body’s response to an infection damages its…
Boy lost both his legs and struggled to get around, ‘then this happened’!
Jill and Wayne told local news outlets that they noticed that their young son, Robbie, had a temperature but no other symptoms, so put him to bed- but at 4.30am the next morning his condition had deteriorated. They rang an ambulance, and the paramedics began…
Mother’s belly never stopped growing, ‘then doctors panicked and asked her to sacrifice her baby’!
Chloe and her husband Rohan had three wonderful boys, but they really wanted a girl. They decided to try to have one more child, and soon Chloe was pregnant again, to their great joy. A few weeks later, Chloe went for a routine checkup to make sure…
Pregnant dog refused to give birth, ‘the vet saw the ultrasound and instantly realized the truth’!
Chris and Mariesa live a rather crazy life. It’s no small wonder really, given that they share their home with a host of adopted dogs. One day, they went to the animal shelter with the idea of taking another dog who had been abandoned, injured or…
Wife told husband to sleep on the couch after fight, ‘realized he’s dead when she returned next morning’!
“Never go to bed angry.” It’s something that almost every young couple has heard. But for a mother-of-three not listening to that advice turned out to be disastrous. During and interview, the unfortunate woman, Ashley, said that she reportedly forced her husband to sleep on the couch…
His wife died after 60 years of marriage, ‘then he looked in her purse and found a secret note’!
Many decades ago, Jimmy and Billie were married. They got to experience all of life’s beautiful and difficult moments and over the years as their family grew to include several children and grandchildren. But after 60 loving years together Billie was the first to go. Day in…
Mother felt weird 6 weeks after giving birth, ‘the doctor disclosed jaw-dropping news after seeing the ultrasound scan’!
If one thing is for sure, it’s that life hands up surprises at every turn. Some surprises, however, can be incredibly life-changing. Young couple Eliza and Ben can certainly attest to this. When the pair met, it was love at first sight. So when Eliza announced she…
Boy was born with 180-degree bent neck; ‘but after getting life-changing surgery, something devastating happened’!
According to his parents, the 13-year-old boy Mahendra was born with a rare condition, congenital myopathy, which means that the muscles in his neck were so weak that his head hung at a 180-degree angle. His every waking moment was agony and he was entirely…
Bismarck Mayor Schmitz is looking for candidates interested in serving on the Historic Preservation Commission
Bismarck, N.D. – According to the city officials, the volunteer committee has one open position for a term through December 2024. City officials also announced that individuals residing in the City of Bismarck who have experience in architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archeology, or…