Missouri – Law enforcement authorities report that an elderly man, later identified as Ronie, allegedly committed the act of strangulation against his wife, who has yet to be identified. The woman, who required dialysis treatment, was hurried to the hospital following the incident. During discussions with investigators, Ronie purportedly admitted to terminating his wife’s life due to financial constraints preventing him from affording her medical care.

Upon arrival at the hospital, responding officers found the woman unconscious. Hospital staff recounted hearing Ronie’s confession: “I killed her, I choked her, I did it.”

Subsequent to his admission, Ronie was taken into custody and formally charged. He disclosed to investigators that he strangled his wife before leaving the hospital premises. He admitted to obstructing her airway to stifle any potential outcry and applying pressure to her throat with his thumbs.

The elderly man confessed that his actions were motivated by depression and his inability to continue providing care for his wife or financing her medical requirements. Ronnie is now facing second-degree murder charges and is being detained on a $250,000 bond.