Indiana – A 31-year-old woman from Indiana is facing a series of new charges related to the se-ual exploitation of minors after her friend’s son and at least five other victims came forward to authorities with allegations of abuse. Initially arrested last year on charges of disseminating harmful material to minors and harassment, Britany now faces additional allegations as more victims have come forward.
The woman’s husband, NichoIas, has also been arrested. He is accused of being aware of his wife’s iIIicit activities and allegedly threatening victims to ensure their silence. He has posted bond and is awaiting trial for intimidation of a witness and failure to report. In a surprising development, the man has filed for divorce and the two are currently not in contact. If convicted on all charges, the woman faces up to 262 years in prison. Her trial is scheduled to begin on June 25, 2025.
As of March 2025, prosecutors have filed a motion to add ten counts of child moIestation, eight counts of disemination of matter harmful to a minor, five counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and one count of se-ual misconduct with a minor against the 31-year-old woman. These charges stem from allegations involving at least five new victims, some as young as 13, bringing the total number of charges to 29.
The married Indiana woman, who worked as an educator at a local high school, is accused of engaging in group int-rcourse with three to five underage boys, allegedly threatening suicide if her victims revealed the abuse to authorities. Prosecutors said the woman reportedly forced the boys to participate in group se* acts while ordering them to wear masks and threatening self-harm if they told anyone.
The investigation began in August last year when two students reported receiving inappropriate messages and videos from the woman via social media. One victim, 14 years old, said the defendant confided in him about dreaming of having se* with him, which he perceived as child moIestation. This victim met the woman when he was in the 7th grade but did not mention whether she was his teacher. Further investigation revealed that she allegedly invited minors to her home, where she provided drugs, including marijuana and psiIocybin mushrooms.
She is accused of coercing the minors into se-ual acts, sometimes threatening to harm herself if they refused or disclosed the abuse. In one instance, she allegedly forced boys to wear masks during group se* sessions. When questioned by authorities, Britany reportedly showed no remorse for her actions, instead expressing regret about her significant weight loss, implying that the abuse might not have happened if she had remained heavier.
According to investigators, one victim accused the woman of drugging him repeatedly and se-ually abusing him when he was just 13 years old. The victim claimed she invited him and his friends to her home, gave them drugs, and abused them. Another victim told police that she would put her four children to bed and then attempt to have se* with the boys. When they hesitated, she allegedly told them ‘to let it happen.’
According to court documents, while most of the victims’ parents were unaware of the abuse until a Department of Child Services investigation, one parent told police that the woman’s husband was aware of the situation and allegedly threatened to sIaughter one of the victims in front of her if he came forward, NYP reported.