Bismarck, N.D. – The Bismarck Forestry Division, led by City Forester Christy Ames-Davis, has officially begun its annual city-wide search for the over wintering and breeding habitat of the elm bark beetle, starting the week of March 24, 2025. This proactive effort is crucial in the ongoing battle to protect Bismarck’s elm trees from the devastating effects of Dutch elm disease.

Bismarck’s Dutch elm disease prevention program has seen success largely due to the removal of habitat that allows the elm bark beetles to survive harsh winters. The insulating effect of firewood piles, where many insects take refuge, provides protection from the extreme temperature fluctuations that otherwise could kill them. Elm bark beetles specifically rely on elm wood with tightly attached bark to shield themselves during the winter months.

“We attribute our success in fighting to save Bismarck’s elm trees to three main factors,” said City Forester Ames-Davis. “Diligent inspections in the summer to identify diseased trees, quick removal of those trees once they test positive for the Dutch elm disease fungus, and eliminating the over wintering and breeding habitats of the elm bark beetles by enforcing the required disposal or debarking of dead elm wood.”

City arborists will be combing through the city in search of firewood piles containing elm wood. Once found, the wood will be marked with orange paint to help homeowners identify the affected material. Homeowners will then be asked to debark, burn, or dispose of the wood within ten days of notification. A notice with further instructions, including how to identify elm wood, will be left at the property where the wood was found.

By eliminating these overwintering habitats before the temperatures rise, the city aims to prevent the emergence of the beetles and safeguard Bismarck’s elm trees from further disease spread.