Coronavirus The North Dakota Department of Health reported 493 new cases of COVID-19 in the state Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus North Dakota Department of Health reported 635 new cases of COVID-19 in the state Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus The North Dakota Department of Health reported 170 new cases of COVID-19 in the state Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus The North Dakota Department of Health confirmed 254 new cases of COVID-19 in the state Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus The North Dakota Department of Health reported 301 new COVID-19 cases of COVID-19 in the state Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus Half of all North Dakota adults have been vaccinated for COVID-19 and the protections offered by the shot are working Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus There have been 611,511 total vaccine doses administered in North Dakota Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus North Dakota children 12 and up became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine more than two months ago, but the majority of parents haven’t signed off on their kids getting the vaccine Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus North Dakota active cases of the coronavirus show a significant downward trend Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago
Coronavirus The North Dakota Department of Health confirmed 8 new cases of COVID-19 in the state Ally Dillinger, 4 years ago