Bismarck, N.D – The next Bismarck City Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, at 5:15 PM. The meeting will take place in the Tom Baker Room at the City-County Building, located at 221 North Fifth Street in Bismarck.

The agenda includes an update on the Terminal Area Study and several public hearings, among other items. Residents are encouraged to participate and share their input on public hearing topics.

The City of Bismarck invites citizens to submit their comments for public hearing items via email to ****. These comments will be forwarded to the Commission and included in the meeting minutes. To ensure timely consideration, comments should be submitted by 3:30 PM on the day of the meeting. Residents are asked to include the relevant agenda item number in their email.

For additional details or to view the full agenda, visit the City of Bismarck’s official website.